February 4, 2006 – AGM Dinner
65 people attended the AGM which included a special tribute to 16 alumni who celebrated their 40+ years Graduation. Our Emcee, Alice Ho, led us on a memorable journey of reminiscing the good old days by students, teachers and a special phone call with inspiring words from Mr. Sen Tai Pang. It probably sparked a few of us to have flashbacks of our youth as we tried to recapture the spirits of BHJS days. The evening ended with us singing the song “Friends” in Chinese before we bid farewell to each other and continue on our journey to explore our future. Our special thanks to Ms. Ng for donating the souvenir gifts to the 40+ years graduates.
July 29, 2006 – BBQ at Sibbald Point Provincial Park西寶角夏日燒烤逍遙遊
It was a great outdoor event for the whole family. We had a successful and somewhat fun-filled outing to Sibbald Point with 45 attendees. 七月廾四日早上有太陽, 我們一行四十多人, 集合在 Sibbald Point Provincial Park舉行野飱, 我們預訂了一個大涼亭, 大家忙了一頓, 分工合作, 有人生火透 BBQ爐, 有人掛耀目的新 banner, 又有人切蔬菜, 整頓好午飱的一切後. 趁有太陽, 先影了集体相, 然後請陳榮基同學作謝飯祈禱, 跟着就一起吃了一頓非常豐富的BBQ午飱. 我們更就地取材, 製了一份別開生面的
禮物, 祝賀 Vivian 同學的ニ十周年結婚紀念.
剛吃完午飱, 天公便不大合作, 竟然下起滂沱大雨, 更刮起大風, 我們要用枱布來擋雨呢, 可憐公园內其他遊人均变成了落湯雞呢, 後來更要借用我們的一角涼亭來避雨, 真是狼狽呢.
Winston於飯後領導我們玩「有口難言」, Adonza帶头示範, 謎底是「螳臂擋車」, 隊友居然毫不費力便猜中, 下一隊由陳榮基帶头示範, 謎厎是「日理萬机」, 當他的隊友試圖照着他的動作示範時, 我們都笑到捧着肚子, 因為這个隊友明顯地是不知謎底的, 只是依樣葫蘆照做而巳, 反而被另一隊猜到了答案.
雨下了許久才稍停, 因為天氣不适宜釣鱼,划艇, 踏單車或玩球類, 所以許多人都打道回府了, 約三時多便結束這个 BBQ夏日逍遙遊.
這一天的活動, 盡顯我們銀禧的丰範, 一如冼大鵬老師訓曰, 我們「有計劃, 有組織, 精誠團結, 互愛互助, 在海外仍能保持联繫, 實屬難能可貴」, 願各銀禧校友共勉之.
October 14, 2006 – 2nd Annual Fall Fun Day – 銀禧校友會 ROCK & BOWL 同樂日
This was a repeated program at the request of alumni who enjoyed lots of fun in a program of similar nature last year, an afternoon of bowling followed by an evening of dinner, karaoke and dance. Christina Chan coached us on line dance and we had some alumni who were fantastic ballroom dancers. Through karaoke, we successfully raised $1,945.05 for the Needy Student Fund of BHJS in HK. We had a total attendance of 40 for this enjoyable event.