Message from the Executive Committee
While we continue to strive for the benefit and friendship among overseas fellow BHJS alumni at the beginning of this year, we would like to recollect what Mr. Sin encouraged us in his phone conversation during the 2006 annual dinner. He said: 人生有三大喜事,其中一項是他鄉遇故知。你們是異地重敘有組織,有聯繫,精誠團結,難能可貴……校友共處,都是不為什麼,皆因我們是銀禧同學。You still can hear the full version of his audio recording in our website. The
newly elected executive committee this year consists of 13 members, including the newly
addition of two more to this team. This change signifies two points: the alumni
association is getting more enthusiastic volunteers to serve and, the EXCO is hoping to
serve the members better with a stronger team. We need all of you to be our target to
serve! Be it your viewing of the alumni website, your comments and suggestions sending
to us, or your actual participations in the events we organized, are all meant to be the
supports and encouragements we would like to receive. Anita Kwan (1966) and Lewis
Wong (1976) had just stepped down from the committee after serving for three terms,
and we would like to take this opportunity here to thank their contributions to the alumni
which had been exceedingly valuable.
The Coming Events
The following activities have been tentatively planned:
July 28, 2007 (Saturday) ——— Picnic & BBQ (Refer to details that follow)
October 27, 2007 (Saturday) —- Dinner, dance & karaoke party
March 15, 2008 (Saturday) —— Annual dinner & AGM
Please mark down these dates on your calendar, spread the news to all alumni you know,
and try to make every efforts to participate.
Picnic & BBQ – Heydenshore Park, Whitby
JULY 28, 2007 (Saturday) 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Registration form Early bird registration: July 1, 2007 (draw for one free )
Deadline: July 20. 2007
Name & year of graduation: ______________________________
Email address: ______________________________
Phone number: ______________________________
Number of persons attending: Amount
Adult ($10) x ___ ______
Child ($5) x ___ ______
Total: ______
Please send cheque made payable to BHJS Canada Alumni to:
c/o Rosita Ho, 60 Michener Crescent, Markham, Ont. L3P 6Z3.
Please contact Rosita Ho for registration, email: or call 416-
Direction to Heydenshore Park – 589 Water Street, Whitby
From Toronto: Take Hwy 401 East and take exit #410 at Brock Street (after Salem Road
exit) in Whitby. Go south on Brock Street all the way to the lake and it becomes Water
Street, turn left on Water Street. Heydenshore Park is after Rotary Park, there are ample
of free parking on the north and south side of the Park.
Please arrive at the Park around 11 am. Lunch will be around noon. Games will start
around 2 pm. There is a boardwalk, beach, children’s playground, cooling patch,
washrooms and bike path. Please bring your own lawn chair as there are limited seatings
or picnic tables. We do not have a reserved pavilion but every effort will be made to
secure a shelter for the day.
記BHJS Canada Alumni – 2007 AGM
一年一度的加拿大銀禧校友會的AGM 於二月三日在Toronto 之龍騰金閣酒樓歡聚,
出席人數踴躍, 有一百零二人之眾, 出席的老師計有伍翠瓊, 黃顯誠, 黃冠球, Ms.
Irene Fong, 及梁超明.
晚會在Annie Odom (Tsai)伴奏, 大家唱校歌中開始, 跟着為英年而逝的两位同學 -—
陳定宇(1966)及吳國强(1967)默禱, 随着是由何潔美會長作會務報告, 其後有猜燈謎比賽, 得冠軍的一組只十題中六. 看來Sin Sir 要嘆句 “吾不欲觀之矣", Ms. Ng 席間更大展歌喉, 清唱賀歲歌為母校購LCD 籌欵, 對Ms. Ng 的熱誠和愛心, 能不感動?
請大家慷慨解囊, 為下一代的學友盡一點棉力.
是次晚會是持別向畢業四十週年的同學們致意, 即我們1967 年這屆的同學. 到會的有Toronto 的張國英, 何潔美, 蔡恩瑩, 劉紀榛, 劉玉卿, 崔德成, 徐新民, 葛港萍, Calgary 的黄鳳玲和New York 的梅麗儀. Ms Ng 更向各同學致送紀念品. 而Irene 就風趣幽默地介紹各人輝煌和窩囊的歷史, 張國英用她的美妙歌喉, 唱出一段"Five Hundred Miles”, 把我們帶回六零年代去. 一塲短劇記述銀記的一天, 是編自何潔美的一篇陳年日記, 真人真事在湮设的記憶中一一浮現出來, 有老師的名字被提到, 也有同學的趣事披露出來, 區文中, 張潔文, 葉棟, 林子瑩, 靳羽東, 蔡恩瑩, 陳佩瑛, 知道嗎?
你們也出現在何潔美的這一天呢! 劉紀榛的真情短歌和說話, 令人感動, 郭校長和余麗瓊的電郵, Ms Batchelder 的電話訪問, 一段輕鬆的山地舞, 壓軸的是仿参加音樂節的朗誦, 令人會心大笑, 當晚的節目, 再次令人想起"我們一起走過的日子", 我希望更多同學今年能重聚一堂, 把酒(茶)話舊, 共同歡樂, 此期不遠, 夏天在香港見.
Dance & Karaoke Night
October 27, 2007(Saturday)
6:30 pm ¡V 11:30 pm
Venue: CM Cha Cha Cha Dance Studio
90B Centurian Drive, Unit 8
Markham, Ontario
Tel: 905-475-6899
Fee: $25 per person
Eligible for early bird draw of 1 free admission if register before October 17
Program: Dinner (buffet style)
Ballroom dance, line dance (music by DJ)
Karaoke (bring your own favorites)
Please send cheque made payable to BHJS Canada Alumni to c/o Rosita Ho, 60 Michener Crescent, Markham , Ont. L3P 6Z3.
Please contact Rosita Ho for registration, email: or call 416-616-6191
Ms. Ng’s 75th Birthday Party (July 22, 2007)
Two thumbs up! A hard act to follow!
Ms. Ng did it again! Under the superb directions of the Chief Commander (Ms. Ng), the elite team (Rev. Maak, Deacon Leung, Rev. Mak and Ho Kit May), carried out Ms. Ng’s ultimate birthday plans and wishes in the most pleasant, organized and smoothest manner. It was such a great birthday party one can’t ask for more.
Has it really been that long since we were first taught by Ms. Ng? She was one of our best and unforgettable Math and History teachers at Jubilee. But, how is it possible that 45 noisy and quiet years later, Ms. Ng still looks very much the same. Her pretty face, slim figure and her crystal clear girlish voice have not left her a bit. She talks and walks the same way, except some of us are starting to look older than her now and
physically of no match to her. She’s one of the very few who are participating in all of our upcoming 40th Hong Kong Reunion, which will include the School Chapel Ceremony, the Dinner & Dance at our school assembly hall, the Yangtze River Cruise, the Hong Kong Island Tour, the Macau Tour and the holistic Vietnam Tour. She’s
just dynamite, second to none! One can’t stop wondering what secrets she has to her youthfulness and wisdom. She is also a Chinese Mother Teresa who brings the Gospel of God, joy, hope and love to the poor who are struggling, suffering or dying in different parts of China. At 75, no job is too big and no job is too small. Everything’s possible or feasible. She’s not afraid of hardships or self-sacrifice. She devotes her time, energy and wealth whole-heartedly to both our Hong Kong Alumni and Canada Alumni. Ms. Ng sings and dances like a pro, and when she talks, she’s vibrant, full of life and great humours. She continues to open our eyes, teaching us all sorts of new things and tricks in life. Needless to say, she is a walking encyclopaedia wherever her little, pretty feet take her.
Ms. Ng, thank you for inviting us to such a memorable birthday feast of celebrations and thanksgiving to the Lord. You’ve put us to shame with the meaningful life you lead and your admirable contributions to mankind. You are a real special delight to be around. You’re our mentor, our friend, our true role model and inspiration. We all had a ball at your birthday party and our token of appreciation and love for you is
immense. We are all looking forward to your 100th birthday celebrations many, many more prosperous years to come. See you in Hong Kong very soon!
Irene Tsai Yan Ying, reporting from Toronto
Ms Ng Birthday Party 22-7-07
自銀禧中五畢業至今超過四十年,與伍翠瓊校長重聚是一種驚喜。她居於美國,年中有三數次奔跑美中港三地,很難想像她能以七五高齡,連續三年參加了多倫多校友會的週年聚餐。我對她的印像原已很模糊,卻因近年參予校友會的活動,再重新認識她。從她怎樣與己離校三數十年的舊生聯繫,如何為校友會提出寶貴意見,都能觸摸到她那份關愛之情。坦白地說,對她以前的教誨,我沒有一點刻骨銘心的回憶。然而,近期每次與她相聚,卻加深了對她的一份敬佩。我會問自已,如果我到了她這般年紀,能否有她一樣的精神和体力去關愛別人 ? 七月廾二日她在多倫多舉行了一個生日會,既慶祝她七十五歲壽辰,又為她蒙恩事主五十五年而感恩,我和一眾校友有幸被邀出席參加。細節花絮或可從蔡恩瑩校友另文略知一二。在數位年長牧師和眾賓客面前,她分享內心的感恩,述說這多年來如何為家鄉五邑台山等地,在艱苦境況中傳揚福音和興建教堂。從她瘦弱的身軀看來,如沒有上帝賜予力量,她如何能擔負這些使命。當晚她講話時聲音清亮,精神飽滿,興之所至更聞歌而大跳扭腰舞。
Heydenshore Park (Whitby) 燒 烤 郊 遊 28-7-07
年初忙碌完校友會的週年聚餐,夏日的另一節目又要上場。今次真要多謝何潔美(1967) 會長一盡地主之誼 ,在她居住的 Whitby 市 ,找到了這風景優美兼設施完善的公園 ,供一眾校友及其親朋戚友作一日之遊 。猶記得去年在 Lake Simcoe 的旅行, 各人飽受狂風暴雨侵襲 ,固此今次也不敢輕忽 。何會長處事真有一手 ,為了這次安排 ,眠乾睡濕 ,呵護備至 。
她竟然在當天早上七時還不到 ,便在這湖邊公園佔據了一所不用收費的涼亭 ,還給為數六十多人安放好檯椅 ! 作為校友的你又怎可吝嗇給她一個 thumbs-up 呢! 涼亭就近湖灘,燒烤爐則安放在旁邊的樹蔭下,無論你是在忙於準備食物或是聚舊歡談,心曠神怡的環境又夫復何求 ! 美味食物全由數位執行委員用愛心炮製, 加上由何會長女兒 Christie和外藉’ 候任家廚’Ryan 主領燒烤,再經陳榮基牧師(1966)祈禱祝謝,各人又怎捨得將肚腹勒住,惟有 `食’而後矣 ! 甜品有梁志超(1973)預備的紫心番薯,其色澤比銀禧校徽中紫色部份還深,色味香俱佳當然大受歡迎。西瓜是少不得的生果。選購一職由高秋霞(1974)負責,以其獨到眼光,命中律也不俗。要甜有甜,要淡有淡,恐糖者也吃得稱心滿意。
還是參加極速排版遊戲所得的獎品吸引得多,649 一注就可能是一生的轉捩點,是福是禍,校友會執行委員會慨不負責。
值得必題的是兩位婦唱夫隨的幕前者,陳梅君的丈夫 Steve 除了在校友會的網頁付上很多心力外,今次還當上攝影師,為是次活動留下美好回憶。至於場地上安放的大幅校友會橫額,從開始至完結,都多得高大威猛的何佩儀(1974)的丈夫黎先生以其身高優勢,幫忙掛上和除下。要向他