2020 News and Events


The 17th Annual General Meeting of the Bishop Hall Jubilee School Canada Alumni will be held online by Zoom at 8:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) on Sunday September 20, 2020. 

All members, who wish to attend the Annual General Meeting 2020, must fill in the registration form at the bottom of this page. We need 20% of registered members to make a quorum. If you are unable to attend the AGM, wish to empower another person to attend and vote on your behalf, please fill in the online proxy form https://bhjscanada.com/bhjs-canada-alumni-agm-2020-proxy-form-and-instructions/

* This meeting is rescheduled from April 4, 2020.

Zoom Meeting ID, Passcode and instruction will be sent by email.



  1. To adopt the minutes of the 16th Annual General Meeting held on April 6, 2019 
  2. To receive the President’s report of 2019
  3. To adopt the financial statements of 2019
  4. Tributes to members graduated in 1970 & 1980
  5. Any other business
