BHJS Canada Alumni The 19th Annual General Meeting Agenda & Details – Saturday April 9, 2022

BHJS Canada Alumni The 19th Annual General Meeting Agenda & Details – Saturday April 9, 2022

Dear BHJS Canada Alumni,

The Executive Committee members have made the biggest effort to plan this year’s AGM and annual dinner. The highlight of the event will be to celebrate the 50th anniversary of, and pay tribute to our members who graduated in 1970, 1971, 1972. Likewise, tribute and celebration of their 40th anniversary will also be conducted for members graduated in 1980, 1981, 1982.
Date: Saturday, April 9, 2022
Venue: Chef 88 Oriental Cuisine 百樂 海鮮小炒
3261 Kennedy Rd #3, Scarborough, ON M1V 2K1 (Kennedy & Passmore)
Time: 6:00 pm – Registration, 6:30 pm – AGM & Dinner
Fee: $40.00 per person (As a token of thanks, one year BHJS Canada Alumni membership, worth $10, will be given to all BHJS Alumni who attend in person).
1. Using the BHJS Canada Alumni AGM 2022 Registration/Proxy Form
2. Or contact Rosita Ho: email or call (416) 616-6191
Deadline of registration: April 3, 2022

Since we need 20% of registered members to make a quorum, if you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to empower another person to attend and vote on your behalf, please complete the proxy form (BHJS Canada Alumni AGM 2022 Registration/Proxy Form and select as :
 ·        Not Attend with Proxy Form
 ·        Appoint Membership Secretary of BHJS Canada Alumni – Rosita Ho or another person
** Only paid members have the voting right, if you want to vote in the AGM and have not paid the membership fee, please contact Rosita Ho (email or call (416) 616-6191) to pay the membership fee.

We are highly motivated to learn that alumni across Canada and the States have already planned to attend this coming event. Please do not hesitate to join with our fellow former teachers and schoolmates an evening full of funs and sharing.

1.      To adopt the minutes of the 18th Annual General Meeting held on May 7, 2021 
2.      To receive the President’s report of 2021
3.      To adopt the financial statements of 2021
4.      Tributes to members graduated in 1970, 1971, 1972 , and members graduated in 1980, 1981, 1982.      
5.      Any other business

Best Regards,
BHJS Canada Alumni

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