B#是一個由何明華會督銀禧中學舊生組成的合唱團,於2019年二月成立,同年六月進行了第一次練習。合唱團現今有接近二十名團員,所有團員均於近十年畢業,並於中學時期積極參與學校合唱團。B#逢星期五晚上練習,招聚了對合唱音樂有熱誠的舊生,志在以音樂聯繫各屆舊生感情,並容讓舊生畢業後仍能夠享受合唱音樂。B#的名字除了取母校英文名稱Bishop Hall Jubilee School第一個字的諧音,更藉B#的音,意即中央C(middle C),表達了希望各位團員有回到合唱團大家庭的感覺。
B# is a choir established since February 2019, by recent alumni of Bishop Hall Jubilee School. The choir currently consists of nearly 20 members, all of whom are recent graduates of the past decade, and past participants in the school’s choral ensemble. Every Friday night, B# would not only gather to rehearse, but to gather together in a passion and fostering a harmony shared across the classes of graduates. The name of the choir, B#, is not only derived out of the first word of the school name and the colloquial reference to the school, “Bishop”, but also plays in reference to the musical note B#, which directly transposes to a middle C, in a metaphor representing the way each member shall return to the home that is the choir.
A recap video of BSharp’s first year. Honoured to be making music with this group of young adults.
The words in this song (Blessings) echo through to our hearts. Especially with all thats been happening in our society and world recently, it reminds us that, through all the pain and suffering, there is hope. 🌈
We want to give special thanks to our principle Ms Lily Wong and Mr Alston Ng for their continuous support. And thank you to the school for providing a safe space and giving us a chance to come back home and sing each week. ❤️
Please join and come sing with is if you are a BHJS Alumni! 😊
A recap video of BSharp’s first year. Honoured to be making music with this group of young adults. The words in this…
Posted by BSharp Choir on Wednesday, July 15, 2020
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