BHJS Canada AGM 2021

BHJS Canada AGM 2021

Dear member:

Please see the following attachments for the coming AGM scheduled to be held on Friday, May 7 2021 at 8.00 PM. The BHJS Canada Alumni Registration Form is for updating purposes in order to validate the required number of attendance according to our Memorandum of Association. If you will attend the AGM on Zoom, a link will be sent to you with the meeting agenda before the AGM. Please return these forms ASAP by simply filling in the blank fields and then click the  ‘Submit’ button. The finished forms will be sent back automatically to us.
1)  BHJS Canada Alumni Registration/Update Form      (link is removed)
2)  BHJS Canada Alumni AGM 2021 Registration/Proxy Form     (link is removed)

Best Regards,
BHJS Canada Alumni



The 18th Annual General Meeting of the Bishop Hall Jubilee School Canada Alumni will be held on-line by Zoom at 8:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) on Friday May 7, 2021. 

All members, who wish to attend the Annual General Meeting 2021, must fill in the online registration/proxy form.

Since we need 20% of registered members to make a quorum, we need your support. If you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to empower another person to attend and vote on your behalf, please complete the form and select as :

·        Not Attend with Proxy Form

·        Appoint Membership Secretary of BHJS Canada Alumni – Rosita Ho or another person

BHJS Canada Alumni AGM 2021 Registration/Proxy Form link: (link is removed)


AGM 2021 zoom meeting

Date : Friday May 7, 2021

Time : 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Venue : Zoom on line

Meeting ID, Passcode and Zoom link will be sent to member’s email.               


1.      To adopt the minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting held on September 20, 2020 

2.      To receive the President’s report of 2020

3.      To adopt the financial statements of 2020

4.      Tributes to members graduated in 1970 & 1980 (deferred from last year), and members graduated in 1971 & 1981

5.      Nomination and election of members for the 2021-2022 Executive Committee

      BHJS Canada Alumni 18th AGM – Voting Ballot link: (link is removed)                               

6.      Any other business

Best Regards,
BHJS Canada Alumni

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