Jubileans, fly and shine high. 銀禧放榜 老師同學送上祝福

銀禧的老師們,也為一眾的中六打打氣,大家可以看看班主任及科任老師對大家的說話。 銀禧的校友大師兄大師姐們,大家還記得片中的老師嗎?可以憶起你以往讀書時的點點滴滴嗎? Jubileans, fly and shine high. 中六的師兄師姐們,在銀禧渡過充滿歲月回憶的六年後,星期三便來到放榜的日子了。一眾的銀禧師弟師妹,學生會、風紀、團契、同學,為中六的同學送上祝福,祝願大家放榜順利。

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Message from BHJS Hong Kong Alumni 來自香港校友會的訊息

———以下內容由香港校友會提供——— 各位銀禧人: Miss Ting 的離世,確實令很多校友不捨。Miss Ting 由實習開始至2003年退休,她在銀禧渡過了超過35個年頭,任教的學生無數,可謂跟不同年代的校友一起成長,老師對你們很重要,同樣,你們對老師也很重要。大家有沒有珍藏了的相片(甚或短片)可跟校友們一起追思一下老師在銀禧的35年呢? 校友會將整理這些資料,跟敬愛Miss Ting的校友、同事、家人一起紀念老師的點滴。 收集資料:相片、圖像、錄像、校園生活的點滴(400字內)截稿日期:12/4收稿郵箱:bhjsmemory@gmail.com(如相片是3R等,校友可scan 或用手機在光源充足情況下拍照,然後電郵提交)(*由於whatsapp 會壓縮相片,所以請盡量以電郵提交)郵件標題:校友名字、[畢業/公開試/畢業年份(中五)]相片格式:請加標題(中、英皆可)、校友名字、畢業年份(中五)。(相片質素:1M 以上,JPG) 謝謝大家。 如有其他查詢,也請電郵至bhjsmemory@gmail.com。 校友會上 P.S.1/ 各位希望悼念老師的校友,大家畢業後,可能未必知道,Miss Ting在學校以外的日子極低調。據她家人轉述,按Miss Ting 的意願,將不會有喪禮。 2/ 有校友在Facebook留言,希望成立以老師為名的奬學金,如大家有任何想法,也歡迎電郵給我們。謝謝。

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Our beloved former teacher Ms Ting Yuet-mui

It is with heavy hearts and tears that we announce the passing of our well-respected and beloved former teacher, Ms Ting Yuet-mui, on the 30th of March 2020. Our most sincere condolences go out to her family and those who know her and love her.  Ms. Ting first joined Bishop Hall Jubilee School as a […]

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In memory of Anselm Fok

The late Anselm Fok, who was the first committee’s secretary, passed away on November 26 last year. Although he only attended his two years of Form 6 matriculation class with BHJS in Hong Kong, he had been very supportive in various functions in the alumni activity here in Canada.

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Visit BHJS in Hong Kong

December 7th, 2019 was a special for me as I was being invited to attend the 何明華會督銀禧中學[元老校友加冕禮].  Time surely passed by and I cannot believe I graduated from Bishop Hall Jubilee School for 45 years already.  I received my High School Diploma on this special ceremony.  Both Se Nam Lam and Stella Tam whom graduated […]

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2019 Autumn Outing

It was a beautiful sunny day and we spent about 1.5 hours walking through the trail where we passed through a small stream and an open area which filled with trees. In there was a chair right underneath a branch where we can rest and took these beautiful pictures. After the walk we enjoyed our […]

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BHJS President letter to members 2019

Dear members: Re: Notice of 2019 Annual General Meeting Please be informed that the 2019 AGM is scheduled to be held on Saturday April 6, and the meeting agenda is herewith attached. The annual membership fee of this year will be waived. The office of the current Executive Committee will end after this meeting.  As […]

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BHJS Canada Guild Park 2018

Click here to view the photo album  

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BHJS School Principal visited Toronto

銀禧中學王校長到多倫多的報導銀禧中學,每年都會為一些學生舉辦遊學的活動,今年7月王莉莉校長帶了二十多位同學到溫哥華參觀當地的大學,其間,她又自費順道到多倫多探望多倫多的校友。在7月21日早上6時多,她乘機到了多倫多,多倫多校友會當天安排了校友帶她到尼加拉瓜瀑布去旅遊,晚上約了30多位校友到 Spoon and Fork餐廳一起晚宴,該餐廳的老闆是銀禧第一屆的校友藍啟青。當晚校長用Powerpoint介紹了銀禧的近況,又一一與各校友問好及一起拍照,晚餐很豐富,有天婦羅,各種魚生,又有龍蝦刺身,和海膽。大家暢聚至差不多十一時,才依依不捨地離去。第二天星期日,雖然天雨,但是同學們都帶著校長到市區周圍看看,認識一下多倫多市區的狀況和周圍的環境,晚上,在校友會會長家中舉行燒烤,在一個溫馨的環境下大家暢談,校長更與會長談至凌辰四時才上牀。相聚的時間過得很快,在第三天早上7時,校長便要往機場,乘飛機往溫哥華,跟在溫哥華的多位同學滙合,一起回港。王校長很年青,很有活力,她不單只計劃帶領同學,爭取校內、校外的好成績,更加計劃在2021年,銀禧開辦60週年時,做一本紀念冊,以記念前人的努力,希望各位校友能夠提供一些當年在校時,有記念的物品以作展覽。希望我們都能夠參加60週年校慶的典禮!後記:在7月23日早上聽到新聞報導,在星期日晚上,在 downtown 有槍擊事件,有兩途人死亡,多人受傷,真替校長揑一把汗。 Click here to view photo album 1 Click here to view photo album 2 Click here to download the BHJS Newsletter – August 2018 to read more details.

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Notice to BHJS former teachers and alumni in Toronto and elsewhere

To welcome Ms. Lily Wong, current principal of BHJS, the Executive Committee of the Toronto Alumni has planned the following two events to show our hospitality. Please indicate your willingness to join either one or both event(s) by returning email. 21/July (Saturday) 6:00 p.m. Dinner with alumni and teachers at Spoon and Fork (fushion food – […]

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