BHJS Canada AGM 2015 Agenda

BISHOP HALL JUBILEE SCHOOL CANADA ALUMNI ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING    The 12th Annual General Meeting of the Bishop Hall Jubilee School Canada Alumni will be held at The King Dragon Cuisine龍匯軒at 505 HWY 7 East, Thornhill on Saturday March 28, 2015.   AGENDA    To adopt the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on  […]

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A quiz for you

A quiz for you Here is the question: Do you know what is the difference between 「真 銀 」and 「鍍 銀 」? 「 真 銀」– those who started from lower forms and finished as Form 5 graduates. They are true Jubileans.             「 鍍  銀 」– those who finished Form 5 from other schools, […]

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Message from current BHJS Principal

Dear Alumni, One afternoon in early March, two special visitors stopped by and paid me a visit. I was very pleased, surprised and honoured to meet them – Ms. Christina Chan and her husband. Their visit gives me a wonderful opportunity to connect with you, alumni in Canada. We had a good chat, and the […]

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Message from Kalvin Tam (1965)

Dear Alumni of Canada, ” 冼 Sir ( Mr. Sen Tai Pang) Memorial Scholarship” I am the one to initiate this scholarship through the help of the BHJS Alumni Association of HK/ Ms. Agnes Lin. My purpose is to raise the interest of those who have strong interest and performance in Chinese Literature from the […]

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The Meaning of “Life is like chemistry”

The Meaning of “Life is like chemistry ( 人生 很化學 )” by Hing Cheung Tse   In the 2013 BHJS Canada Alumni banquet, Mr. Albert Yam specifically quizzed his old (and senile) chemistry teacher and asked, “What is the meaning of the Cantonese phrase, 人生 很化學?”  Since I did not remember some of the references […]

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Sharing from Albert Yam (1970)

From Albert Yam 任杰倫 (class of 1970) Having been living in New Jersey for over a quarter of a century, I have been asked in recent years by our BHJS friends in Toronto to join their yearly reunion dinner. In spite of the ground still covered by snow and the wind shivery cold in the […]

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Sharing by Ms Jolie Ng 吳兆芳

記2013 年何明華會督銀禧中學加拿大校友聚餐   2013 年3月16日我與慶祥很榮幸被邀參加何明華會督銀禧中學加拿大校友的聚餐, 該日除了慶祝校友會成立十週年紀念外, 同時亦是1973 該屆同學畢業四十週年的慶典, 也算是同賀新春的日子。當晚假座多倫多君臨天下酒樓設宴,濟濟一堂,約有七十多人參加,喜氣洋洋的氣氛戰勝了寒冷刺骨的天氣。   踏進會場, 迎面而來的是兩位身穿銀禧校服的男女同學, 時光倒流地把我們帶回牛津道校園中, 我們並不認識現在定居多倫多的大部分的同學, 因為我倆都是在1971年離開銀禧的,慶祥赴美深造, 而我到了香港中文大學翻譯中心工作, 1972年我也去了美國, 與慶祥在密西根州安娜堡市結婚。1978年我們就在俄亥俄州辛辛那提市定居至今。   與銀禧中學的關係並沒有從此結束,相反的, 這四十多年來, 有不少的同學,老師特地繞道到來中西部與我們見面, 我們也在香港, 美國,加拿大各地與他們相會, 信件來往, 電話聯系, 近年的電子郵件更是造福人群,一下子大家又有天涯若比鄰之感。隔別多年, 大家仍是那麼熱情, 就在十六日晚上, 新知舊雨, 都一見如故,溫馨非常。就好像一家人團聚, 吃一頓年夜飯似的。   那晚, 印象深刻的是唱校歌,我過去就非常喜歡這首歌的旋律, 故此還能跟著同聲合唱, 坐在我旁邊的鄔瑞雲同學就很感嘆的說, 為何過去從沒好好的領會歌詞的意義, 我也很有同感。 據我所知, 這首歌是源自讚美詩 “O Jerusalem,” (節錄自William Blake的短詩 Jerusalem), 校歌的歌詞也改成適合香港的背景, 充滿神聖與勵志的力量, 鼓舞人生。   其後, 大家“飲飽食醉”之餘,又 玩了不少的遊戲: 成語改錯, 真是考倒了這群丟下幾十年中文的香港人; […]

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Sharing by Raymond So (1973)

I wish to say a few words about the dinner on March 16, which I think was a very successful event. It was well planned and well run, without a single dull moment. The atmosphere was friendly and the games were really fun. I had a very good time and most important of all I […]

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Sharing by William Yu (1971)

I am not good at writing, but I just want to express a little of my feeling at the alumni dinner: My name is Yu Wai Kin, I graduated from BHJS in 1971. I have been living in Canada since 1972. In 2011 we had a big class re-union in HK. It was my first time to return […]

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Letter of Thanks by Jolie and Hing Cheung Tse

March 19, 2013   Dear BHJS Canada Alumni:   Hing Cheung and I would like to express our greatest appreciations towards your hospitality and love at the Annual Alumni Dinner Celebration on March 16, 2013. Every one of us has enjoyed an emotional evening, filled with laughter and joy, fond memories of the past, mind-bogging […]

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