
re-written song based on Andy Lau’s一起走過的日子

To put to the end of the event, the Executive Committee invited everybody to join in singing a re-written song based on Andy Lau’s 一起走過的日子 – 銀禧懷舊版: 沉沉睡了,仍想起往昔的日子 大步踏入校園時,才記得當日要考geography 你懶我仲懶時,你抄我抄了事 多少風波都願闖,只因有不怕死的目光 老校要去見時,就知已出了事 知道所作一切都不管,就只有衰衰地認癡 老實說話未多講,只剩下痛悔傷心一輩子 如何面對,從銀禧走出的日子 打工搏命搵錢時,又考慮離開香港往別處 移民條路難盡說,還好有銀禧的網址 有你有我有情,有笑有講往事 大家一起真係爽,節目豐富個個都拍掌 有你有我有緣,那管每朝見面 你地如果不再參與,校友會快快會停止 道別話未願多講,真不想睇到散band的日子

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Message from the Chair, May Ho (1967, F5A) During 2007, we concentrated our fundraising efforts towards the Needy Student Fund and purchased LCD equipment for BHJS. We collected and sent a total of $2,214 from various functions this year towards this initiative. Donations can be sent by cheque to Chau Ha Ko, our alumni treasurer, […]

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Message from the Chair, May Ho (1967, F5A) During 2006, we have concentrated our fund raising efforts towards the Needy Student Fund at BHJS. We have collected a total of $ 1945.05 from various functions this year towards this initiative. On December 2, 2006, the Canada Alumni collected $1080 to sponsor Ms. Ng Tsui King to […]

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Recap of some of the activities this summer

Message from the Chair, May Ho (1967, F5A) The BBQ at Sibbald Point drew a large crowd of 45 this year. We used our new banner for the first time and it was a beautiful and vibrant design. This banner was a gift to the Canada Alumni by our 1967 alumnae, Tang Hing Lin, F5C, from Hong […]

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SPEECH OF MR. SEN AT AGM: 各位校友: 恭祝大家新春康樂,萬事如意。 我是冼大鵬老師,由一九六二年起,任教銀禧中學,至一九八八年退 休,共二十六年。在這段日子非常愉快,正如孟子所說:「得天下英 才而教育之,一樂也。」你們都是英才,離開母校四十多年,平步青 雲,得到最高的學位,最好的事業,為銀禧爭光,可喜可賀。 古人說:「人生有三大喜事,其中一項是他鄉遇故知。」你們異地重 敘有組織,有聯繫,精誠團結,難能可貴。 歷代國際邦交,都是互利雙贏,國與國之間,講求雙方利益,大家都 見到。但我們同學之間,絕不能有這種思想,文學家冰心母愛曾說: 「不為什麼,只因你是我的女兒。」我希望大家有這樣偉大精祌,校 友共處,都是不為什麼,皆因我們是銀禧同學。 最後感謝何潔美主席給我一個機會和大家談談,祝大家有更美滿的生 活。

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Improvement Project –BHJS Hong Kong

Message from the Chair, May Ho (1967, F5A) The following is an excerpt from our mother school website: 禮堂新翼已聳立於牛津道上 要一睹新翼雄姿 要與校友共把盞 請參加感恩晚會 日期:2005年12月17日(星期六) 時間:晚上5:00至10:30 地點:黃徐仲霞禮堂 Glory be to God! The School Improvement Project was finally completed after two years and eight months. The school is deeply touched by the enormous support it has received from […]

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Message from the Chair –May Ho, F5A (1967) The Fall of 2005 was a beautiful one and on October 22, 2005, the alumni had a Fall Fun Day – 銀禧校友會ROCK & BOWL 同樂日with 45 attendees. It was held at Club 300 Bowl and Hot Pot King in Markham. Everyone who came had a really good time with […]

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Unconditional Love Quilt Project of Yee Hong

Message from the Chair, May Ho (1967, F5A) Unconditional Love Quilt Project of Yee Hong We have collected $1000 from a number of alumni and presented to Yee Hong Center for their Unconditional Love Quilt Project in memory of our founding principal, Mrs. Helen Wong. I attended the unveiling ceremony of the quilt on Mother’s […]

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Muskoka Sharing

We are honored to have Mr. Leung sharing his thoughts with us about the Muskoka Fall Tour as below: Muskoka 秋遊散記 by 梁超明老師 旅巴秋遊景色美   校友親切話投機 北面蜜鎮楓林茂   七彩繽紛景怡人 白裘恩館緬情懷   銘感當年義助情 大家同樂一天遊   享受盡在不言中 Click here to download the Newsletter – December 2003 to read more.

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